animators Autodesk Blog Post FBX interview Mocap Motion editiing MotionBuilder

Film production in Autodesk MotionBuilder

We are excited to have a guest post from our friend and long time creator of amazing MotionBuilder tools and plugins Neill3d AKA Sergei Solokhin. He also has a site and we shared a lot of his past MotionBuilder work here Thank you and enjoy! The Wall and MoPlugs Dev Story by Neill3d […]


Day in the life: Rigging Supervisor

Todd Widup – Rigging Supervisor at
Sony Pictures Imageworks

Blog Post interview video

The Rigging Buddies Podcast #26: Alicia Carvalho

This is a great interview with Rigging Dojo Alumna, Alicia Carvalho, Rigging Supervisor at Digital Dimension. There are some great discussion about deformation and the needs for having good skinning and deformation skills. Alicia shares some must hear advice on how to prepare information before rigging and insights on how to lead a team and […]

Blog Post interview Leadership rigtip

Get to know: Nina Fricker – Lead Technical Animator at Insomniac Games

Get to know: Nina Fricker – Lead Technical Animator at Insomniac Games Let’s start off with some questions from our friend Izzy Cheng Hi Izzy!!! What is some advice you’d give to people getting into Technical Art or Technical Animation? AH!! Where to start?? This is a topic I could talk about a LOT. […]

Blog Post interview Microcast

Blender Rigging for Netflix Next Gen

Like many people, we took notice of the work for the new movie coming out from Netflix called “Next Gen” by  Today we talked with Rigging Lead David Hearn ( about rigging and about working with Blender on a large scale production. (We were also joined by friend and Blender master Charles Wardlaw ) […]