animators Autodesk Blog Post FBX interview Mocap Motion editiing MotionBuilder

Film production in Autodesk MotionBuilder

We are excited to have a guest post from our friend and long time creator of amazing MotionBuilder tools and plugins Neill3d AKA Sergei Solokhin. He also has a site and we shared a lot of his past MotionBuilder work here Thank you and enjoy! The Wall and MoPlugs Dev Story by Neill3d […]

bugs FBX

FBX 2012 : Blendshape Morph Target Naming Nightmare

MotionBuilder and FBX 2013 update: Export from Maya to Motionbuilder with Blendshapes and back is now working correctly with out the renaming shape bug. (custom names for the blendshape node are exported and imported correctly in all 3 software Max, Maya, MotionBuilder) Export from Max to FBX- This is working correctly except the Morpher Modifier […]