We provide 101 level and personal customized training for schools, studios and artists looking to learn new skills or update existing ones.
From AAA game studios to feature film and VFX studios, we have helped artists improve their work while increasing efficiency using industry tools we helped create.
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Get on the wait list for our mentor led courses or custom 1-1 training through our advanced Aprentiship program
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Our apprenticeship programs have a true mentor-mentee based approach much like actual production. Our mentors work with you to achieve your learning goals, providing a level of personalized online training unique to Rigging Dojo.
If you are not ready quite yet for the intensity of the apprenticeship course, our quarterly run 101 Mentor led courses offer professional guidance in a team setting. The flexible pace, depth of material and focus on foundations for production allow students to learn and keep coming back to the course as reference long after it is finished.

Consulting through studio and custom training from Rigging Dojo will help improve techniques regardless of skill level. Examples range from skinning and deformations, scripting, mechanical rigging , skeleton design, tool creation, animation UI and pipeline improvement to motion capture editing and more, just get in touch and see how you can benefit.

Want to know more? Check out our FAQ page for tuition prices, detailed course descriptions and more.
We look forward to training with you!
*Autodesk Maya and MotionBuilder will be used for hands on material in class.
Rigging Dojo Students are eligible for Autodesk student Licenses of software.
Technical concepts and rigging knowledge is transferable to most 3d software.
*Ages 18 and older.