Blog Post chracter contorl rig rigtip tip tutorial

Creating a highly stylized 3D Character Rig in Blender: Filibert the Fish

Guest post by Julien Bazin Introduction and Motivation This project was a long time coming, but it was a very fun and educational experience. I learned a great deal about balancing creative ambition with technical challenges. It all started with a 2D character concept by Nelnal (@nelnalium on Twitter). Their style, featuring flat colors and […]

#animtip Blog Post

Animator questions we always answer in Blender

While we have a full free course on getting up to speed on Blender from Maya here are a few extra tips to help you animate easier. Question 1: Is there a way to auto-frame a channel f-curve in Blender in the Graph Editor? Answer: Yes, But in 3.6 there are some new updates […]

#animtip Blog Post constraints

A Complete Guide to Character Rigging for Games Using Blender

This book is a comprehensive guide to using Blender to create character rigs for games and will be vital reading to those studying games animation as well as early-career rigging artists, character animators, modeling artists, technical animators, and technical artists.

#animtip Blog Post

Auto-Rig Pro: Rig Library

One of our alumni and animator, Joris van Laar, created this library of 24 rig presets for the Blender Auto-Rig Pro, auto rigging and retargeting addon. We are an affiliate so if you buy it from this link we get a small part of the sale and you support our future students and our free […]

Blog Post free software tutorial

Blender new developer quick start guide

Welcome, you are wanted here. *Note that there have been some changes as the development moved to Gitea You might be here because you like Blender and want to make it better. You might be a programmer who found a bug to fix or you are an artist who wants to learn to make an […]