This is a very silly bug I found today but it is annoying and thankfuly the fix is easy.
Trying to select the FK nodes for a character from the menu
Errors saying ” hikSelectRigFKNodes” does not exist.
You get this error because the global variable for this procure should have an uppercase K. Instead we have a script that has a lower case k in the word Fk
The fix:
C:Program FilesAutodeskMaya2014scriptsothershikControlRigUI.mel
line 560 the Fk should be FK since that is what the menu FK button is looking for.
change this lower case k
global proc hikSelectRigFkNodes(string $pCharacter, int $includeRefNode)
to an upper case K
global proc hikSelectRigFKNodes(string $pCharacter, int $includeRefNode)
now you can click the add to selection FK button and have it work.